The adoption process for curricular materials follows a six-year cycle, in alignment with Idaho Content Standards reviews. The State Board of Education’s Curricular Materials Selection Committee approves Content Area Adoption Guides, ensuring that materials meet state standards. While the materials undergo a thorough review, the final selection of materials is up to each local district or charter school, in accordance with their own policies and procedures.
For more details on the 2024 Curricular Materials Review, including the adoption process, Open Educational Resources (OER), publisher information, and more, visit the Idaho Department of Education’s Curricular Materials webpage.
Teachers: Help us review curricular materials!
The Idaho Department of Education is requesting applications for review team members to examine CTE curricular materials. Reviewers will receive a stipend and keep the materials they review. All work is done virtually. Apply by March 17, 2025.
Publishers: Submit curricular materials for review!
If you wish to submit your CTE Curricular Materials for review, contact Summer Cook (208-332-6949) and submit your intent to bid by Nov. 29, 2024. Include the following information for each program you wish to submit:
- Main titles
- Content areas
- Grade levels
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
Business and Marketing Communication
Administrative Services
Applied Accounting
Engineering and Technology Education
Family and Consumer Sciences and Human Services
Culinary Arts
Early Childhood Education
Hospitality Services
Health Professions and Public Safety
Dental Assisting
Emergency Medical Technician
Law Enforcement
Pharmacy Technician
Trades and Industry
Automotive Collision Repair
Automotive Maintenance and Light Repair
Heavy Duty Truck and Equipment
Powersports and Outdoor Power Equipment
The Idaho Department of Education is responsible for ensuring that local education agencies have access to high-quality instructional materials (HQIM) that are aligned with Idaho’s Content Standards. As part of the process, IDCTE collaborates on reviewing curricular materials during updates to CTE programs.
Need More Information?

Kristi Enger

Raley Ollerenshaw
Technical Records
Specialist II
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