If you’re a school district/charter looking to fill an area of need with a candidate who doesn’t hold an appropriate certificate/endorsement, there are options available.
Reference the Application Crosswalk regarding when to use the types of alternate authorizations and review the alternate authorization provisional application submission schedule.
- Content Specialist
- New Certificate for Current Teacher
- New Endorsement for Current Teacher
- Secondary Public Charter School Educator
This alternative authorization allows a local education agency to request an instructional certificate for an individual who possesses distinct content knowledge and skills to teach in a content area.
- The candidate must include proof of content competency (e.g., a minimum of baccalaureate degree in endorsement-related area, passing PRAXIS score in endorsement area, or at least 100 points on the Uniform Standard for Evaluating Content Competency rubric) with their application.
- Additionally, candidates must demonstrate the route they will use to complete requirements to achieve their five-year renewable certificate at a later date.
Completed applications will be approved by IDCTE’s Director of Educator Certification. Atypical applications will be reviewed by the Professional Standards Commission (PSC) Authorizations Committee. Upon approval, the candidate will be issued a three-year, nonrenewable, Interim Certificate. During the three years, all applicable program and state specific requirements must be completed to qualify for a five-year CTE educator certificate.
Alternative Authorization – Content Specialist Certificate:
Requirements for Certification
This alternative authorization allows a local education agency (LEA) to request an instructional certificate for a non-certificated individual who possesses distinct content knowledge and skills to teach in a content area.
- The candidate must include proof of content competency with their application. The candidate must document one of the following: 1) a minimum of baccalaureate degree in endorsement-related area; 2) passing PRAXIS score in endorsement area; or 3) at least 100 points on the Uniform Standard for Evaluating Content Competency rubric,
- Candidates must document the route they will use to complete requirements to achieve their five-year renewable certificate. This is satisfied by 1) a program plan of study from a university that outlines all requirements to be met to secure an Institutional Recommendation for certification at the end of the program, or 2) an IDCTE Route Plan.
Information About CTEAA-CS Certification
Completed applications will be approved by IDCTE’s Director of Educator Certification. Atypical applications will be reviewed by the Professional Standards Commission (PSC) Authorizations Committee. Upon approval, the candidate will be issued a three-year, nonrenewable, interim certificate. During the three years, all applicable program- and state-specific requirements must be completed to qualify for a five-year renewable CTE educator certificate.
Application and Rubric
Alternative Authorization – Teacher to New Certificate:
Requirements for Certification
This option is only available for candidates with a current Idaho certificate who don’t hold an endorsement for the needed area. The purpose of this authorization is to allow Idaho LEAs to request endorsement/certification when a professional position can’t be filled with someone with the correct endorsement/certification.
Information About CTEAA-TNC Certification
The LEA and educator may only use Route Option I – College/University when seeking a new certificate; this option requires the educator to complete an educator preparation program of study and obtain an Institutional Recommendation (IR). The district and educator will receive a three-year, non-renewable, Interim Certificate.
Once all requirements of the program of study have been completed and the IR has been issued, the educator applies for a revision of certificate to have the certificate and endorsement added to their renewable credential.
Application and Rubric
CTE Alternative Authorization – Teacher to New Application Packet (New/Renewal)
Alternative Authorization – Teacher to New Endorsement:
Requirements for Certification
This certification option is only available for candidates with a current Idaho certificate who do not hold the endorsement for the area of need. This alternative authorization allows Idaho local education agencies (LEA) to request endorsement/certification when a professional position cannot be filled with someone who has the correct certification.
Requirements during the authorization include the following.
Option I Candidates – College/University or IDCTE Route Plan (One-year, renewable certificate based on adequate progress)
- Option I: College/University Route – attach the signed college/university plan
- The plan must be signed by the dean of the College of Education.
- The plan must outline all the required coursework and applicable testing to qualify for an Institutional Recommendation for certification/endorsement.
- If the college/university is not CAEP or AAQEP accredited, the candidate will need to include a statement indicating they are aware that once the program is finished, they will need to secure an out-of-state certificate and then apply for reciprocity to earn an Idaho certificate.
- The authorization for the college/university route (Option I) may be renewed two (2) additional times with evidence of satisfactory progress – the completion of one-third of the semester credits or other requirements is required during the authorized school year unless the university plan indicates otherwise or there are extenuating circumstances.
- or Option I: IDCTE Route Plan – attach the signed IDCTE Route Plan
- The option is available only if the educator cannot qualify for an industry-based endorsement on an Occupational Specialist Certificate but is close to doing so. IDCTE will determine if this route is feasible and will develop a program plan that allows the educator to teach in the endorsement area while honing their content-area knowledge.
- This option provides for a plan of study developed by the IDCTE educator certification director and program quality manager outlining the required coursework, internship/externship, and/or industry certifications that will allow the candidate to qualify for an Occupational Specialist Certificate at the end of the validity period of the CTEAA-TN.
- The IDCTE Route Plan must be included as an element of the complete application, and the candidate and district/charter administrator’s signatures on the application serve as formal agreement to the plan.
Option II Candidates – Completed master’s degree in the content area (one-year, nonrenewable certificate applicable to adding an instructional endorsement only)
- State Board-approved mentoring program;
- Coursework in foundations of CTE, CTSO leadership, and occupational analysis/curriculum design; and
- Two-hundred-hour (200) industry externship in endorsement area sought
Option III Candidates – Content assessment and mentoring (one-year, nonrenewable certificate applicable to adding an instructional endorsement only)
- Content Assessment. Successfully complete Praxis II, Baccalaureate degree in content area, or minimum of 100 pts. On Uniform Standard for Evaluating Content Competency rubric.
- State Board-approved mentoring program,
- Coursework in foundations of CTE, CTSO leadership, and occupational analysis/curriculum design, and
- Two-hundred-hour (200) industry externship in endorsement area sought
Once requirements are completed, the candidate applies for a revision of certificate.
Information About CTEAA-TNE Certification
Teacher to New-Endorsement educators electing Route Option I – College/University will receive a one-year certificate that may be renewed for two additional years with evidence of satisfactory progress towards completion of state-approved preparation program. Otherwise, candidates will receive a one-year, nonrenewable certificate when using Route Option II – Master’s Degree or Route Option III – Content Competency/Mentoring.
Application and Forms
CTE Alternative Authorization – Teacher to New Application Packet (New/Renewal)
Secondary Public Charter School Educator Certificate:
Information about Public Charter School Certification
This application is for a public charter school board of directors to hire a public charter school-specific CTE teacher to serve as a charter school CTE teacher under the provisions of Idaho Code §33-5206(6).
Public Charter School-Specific CTE Teacher Certificate Application Packet
Have a candidate without an appropriate certificate or endorsement? Discover your options!
Need More Information?

Kristi Enger

Raley Ollerenshaw
Technical Records Specialist II
- Educator Certification Inquiries Certification@cte.idaho.gov
- Join us every other Tuesday for an Educator Certification Support Q&A via Zoom