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Leadership Institute

Leadership Institute

Professional Development Opportunity

Are you:

  • Forward thinking?
  • Change-oriented?
  • Interested in being the next generation of career and technical leadership?

The Leadership Institute may be for you!

For over twenty years, the Idaho Division of Career Technical Education has invited new members into Leadership Institute. Read on to consider whether Leadership Institute may be for you.

What is the Leadership Institute?

Leadership Institute is a premier opportunity for Idaho CTE professionals to learn, experience, and develop leadership skills specific to a career in career technical education. 

Launched in 2000, Leadership Institute was created as an opportunity for teachers and others who contribute to career technical education in Idaho to focus on developing leadership skills, learn about state and national policy and advocacy, and network with other up and coming CTE leaders in CTE. Through specially designed activities, seminars, and conferences, these experiences help develop a stronger sense of personal leadership and confidence that will enable participants to  impact and influence career technical education in their schools or institutions, their region, and beyond. 

Leadership Institute accepts nominations from supervisors for new members each year and provides a competitive selection process for three to six new members. Every year members graduate from the program after completing all the requirements. Institute members have gone on to hold principal, administrator, dean, and other leadership positions in the state, including as the IDCTE State Administrator. 

Leadership Institute is open to all who work in career technical education in Idaho. It may be right for you now or at some point in the future when you have an interest in advancing your CTE career into a leadership role and when you can commit to the time and focus necessary to complete the program.  

What are the costs involved?

Leadership Institute is sponsored by IDCTE.  

IDCTE believes in the power of Leadership Institute and underwrites its activities by not only paying for most of the program costs but also providing administration, academic advising, and leadership to the group. As such, attendance is mandatory at all Leadership Institute activities planned for the members. Over the span of the three-year program, members will travel to two national conferences, one state conference, one Connect summer conference each year, Project Leadership annual meetings (one per year) and regional meetings (five per year), and other various state meetings that may be held from time to time.  

Leadership Institute Pays 

Leadership Institute covers the costs associated with state and national travel (transportation, lodging, per diem) and conference registration fees.*

Cohort Member Pays 

Cohort members must pay for their individual ACTE, CTEI, and state association memberships and any costs associated for obtaining transcripted credits at the University of Idaho or Idaho State University. Members may be required to pay for costs associated with their Project Leadership regional meetings (five per year), such as lunch. 

Cohort Member’s Employer Pays 

The cohort member’s employer must pay for any costs associated with classroom substitutes or other necessary job coverage due to required absences. 

*Cohort members are expected to attend one Connect summer conference each year. These expenses are not covered by IDCTE and are normally covered by the employer. 

Who is qualified?

Individuals who work in a position related to career technical education in Idaho are welcome to apply for Leadership Institute. Applicants must be in a position to commit to the requirements of the three-year program, and ideally they should be in a place in their career where they are exploring a step up to a leadership role and willing to experience and learn all that Leadership Institute has to offer. Because applicants must be nominated for the program by their supervisor, they have demonstrated the required employer support to devote time and resources toward completing the program. 

The nomination and application process does not guarantee acceptance into Leadership Institute. The application process is competitive and balanced. Applicants will be considered based on their leadership or potential leadership growth, academic preparation, and career goals; enthusiasm for career technical education; and nomination employer support. Consideration will also be given to balancing the groups to ensure the Leadership Institute opportunity is available to all aspects of career technical education in Idaho.

Preferred applicants will evidence the following qualifications: 

  1. Employed in a position related to career technical education in Idaho 
  2. Recommended by a supervisor with support from employer for participation in the program 
  3. Evidence of academic preparation includes (1) hold a bachelor’s degree, or be willing to work toward earning a bachelor’s degree while participating in the program; OR (2) hold a master’s degree (a requirement for the CTE administrator’s certification) or be willing to work toward a master’s degree while participating in the program. 
  4. Minimum of three years’ teaching in an occupational area (a requirement for the CTE administrator’s certification) 
  5. Have completed or be willing to complete the following courses offered through the University of Idaho and Idaho State University: 
    • Principles/Foundations of Career Technical Education
    • Career Guidance/Occupations 
  6. Desire to contribute in a leadership role at some level in career technical education 
  7. Current membership in ACTE, CTEI, and an Idaho professional association (teaching, counselor, administrator, other section of CTEI) 


What are the required meetings?

Every member will attend two national meetings one time: 
   (1) National Policy Seminar 
   (2) Member’s choice of ACTE Best Practices, ACTE Vision, or ACTE Region V 

Every member will attend one state meeting one time: 
   (1) State Policy Seminar

All members will attend Project Leadership every year and participate in sequence: 
  (1) Level One
  (2) Level Two
  (3) Level Three

In addition, all members will participate in and complete assignments for five regional meetings throughout each school year during the three-year program. These meetings are not optional; they are a required part of Project Leadership. 

Beginning the year of their selection into Leadership Institute, all members must attend and participate as a Leadership Institute member during one Connect summer conference each year, date and location of their choice. 

OneLI Graduation & Kickoff Meeting 

IDCTE Connect Summer Conference 
JulyAugust, or September 
IASA Project Leadership 
October or 

Fall IASA Project Leadership Regional Meetings 

(1) ACTE Best Practices  
September or 
(2) ACTE Vision  
December or
Spring IASA Project Leadership Regional Meetings 

Possible Spring LI Meeting 

(3) ACTE Region V
TwoLI Graduation and Kickoff Meeting 

IDCTE Summer Conference  
JulyAugust, or September 
IASA Project Leadership 
October or 
Fall IASA Project Leadership Regional Meetings 
Spring IASA Project Leadership Regional Meetings  

CTEI State Policy Seminar 

Possible Spring LI Meeting 
ThreeLI Graduation and Kickoff Meeting 

IDCTE Connect Summer Conference  
JulyAugust, or September 
IASA Project Leadership 
October or 
Fall IASA Project Leadership Regional Meetings 
Spring IASA Project Leadership Regional Meetings  

ACTE National Policy Seminar  March 

Possible Spring LI Meeting 

Idaho Division of Career Technical Education (IDCTE) funds and facilitates activities for the IDCTE Leadership Institute. The purpose of this Institute is to prepare the next generation of district and state career technical leaders. It is designed to produce forward-thinking and change-oriented leaders through a three-year program of study. Up to six new prospective leaders will be initiated into the Institute each year. 


Now accepting nominations for the 2025 Leadership Institute!

Need More Information?

Lisa Costa
Director of Professional Development

Molly Wolk

Molly Wolk Curriculum and Instruction Coordinator

Megan Petersen
Professional Development Coordinator 208.429.5545

Makayla Murphy

Makayla Murphy
Administrative Assistant II

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