Understanding the World of Work through CTE

What is First Steps?
In 2018, the Idaho Legislature expanded career technical education (CTE) to seventh and eighth grade. In response, the Idaho Division of Career Technical Education (IDCTE) launched an initiative, First Steps: Understanding the World of Work through Career Technical Education, to research best practices and develop a CTE-focused, career development program. Idaho educators developed the First Steps Standards and curriculum resources.
Beginning July 1, 2023, Idaho Code 33-1614 requires 7th or 8th grade students enrolled in an Idaho public school district, specially designed charter district, or public charter school complete one or more career exploration courses aligned to the First Steps Standards.
All staff teaching the course must complete the First Steps Standards Professional Development Course prior to teaching this course.
Program Resources

First Steps provides seventh and eighth grade students career development opportunities that prepare them to navigate high school and the future beyond!
Additional Resources
Broadening the Path: Design Principles for Middle School CTE
House Bill 269 Career Exploration FAQs
Idaho College and Career Competencies
Need More Information?

Megan Petersen
Professional Development Coordinator

Joyce Graff
Administrative Support