Career Areas
Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources, Business & Marketing, Engineering & Technology Education, Family & Consumer Sciences and Human Services, Health Professions and Public Safety, and Trades & Industry.

Secondary Education
Career and Technical Centers in Idaho.

Postsecondary/Adult Education
Institutions and Transition Coordinators, Adult Education, Centers for New Directions, Workforce Training Network, WIOA Title II Grant, and GED®.

Student Organizations
Joining a career & technical student organization is a great way to grow your leadership skills, and ensure that you are career ready.

Perkins V
Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century

Idaho SkillStack® badges clearly communicate an individual’s skills to the world.

Fire Service Training
The Idaho Fire Service Training (FST) program is committed to partner with Idaho fire departments, fire districts, and Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJ’s) to provide Idaho firefighters with quality training and safety practices consistent with National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards and current National best practices.

Assignment Manual and ISEE Resources
The Idaho State Department of Education has created the Idaho System for Educational Excellence (ISEE), a K-12 Longitudinal Data System, which supports our budgeting processes, data submissions, and delivers information to educational stakeholders to create data driven decisions.