Official Government Website

State Grants


The Program Quality Initiative (PQI) and Workforce Readiness Incentive (WRI) were established by Idaho Code 33-1635 to provide additional funding to eligible Local Education Agencies (LEAs) offering approved programs.  

The Idaho Quality Program Standards (IQPS) Incentive and Start-Up, established by Idaho Code 55.01.04, aim to measure and reward Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resource (AFNR) program teachers across the state who have developed distinguished local programs and provide support to programs working to establish a new AFNR program. 


Program Quality Initiative

The Program Quality Initiative (PQI) and Workforce Readiness Incentive (WRI) were established by Idaho Code 33-1635 to provide additional funding to eligible Local Education Agencies (LEAs) offering approved programs.  


Idaho Quality Program Standards

The Idaho Quality Program Standards (IQPS) Incentive and Start-Up, established by  Idaho Code 55.01.04, aim to measure and reward Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resource (AFNR) program teachers across the state who have developed distinguished local programs and provide support to programs working to establish a new AFNR program. 


Who should I contact if I have questions regarding grants?

Contact our Director of Perkins and MOA for federal Perkins grant questions, our Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Program Quality Manager for Idaho Quality Program Standards grant questions, and our Grants Oversight Coordinator for Program Quality Incentive or special grants questions. 

Idaho Career Ready Student grant application is through the Idaho Department of Education. 

Where can I find grant deadlines and timelines?

Which statute established the Program Quality Initiative and Workforce Readiness Incentive programs?  

Where can I find instructions and overviews for the grants? 

All instructions and overview documents for PQI, WRI, and IQPS are in the Educator Portal.  

Are career technical centers eligible for PQI grants?  

No. Idaho Code 33-16-35 specifically excludes career technical centers from eligible programs. 

Who is eligible for PQI—Incentive grants?

To be eligible to receive a PQI—Incentive grant, at least 90% of eligible students must complete the Technical Skills Assessment (TSA), at least 75% of students enrolled in the capstone must pass the TSA, and at least 86% of students must pass the Workplace Readiness Assessment (WRA). 

Who is eligible for PQI—Technical Assistance grants?

A LEA can apply for a PQI—Technical Assistance grant if less than 80% of students passed the WRA the prior school year. Pathway programs are invited to apply if less than 50% of capstone students passed the TSA the previous school year. 

Who is eligible for PQI—Establishment grants?

New secondary CTE programs approved by IDCTE in the previous year and current year are invited to apply for grant funding. Agriculture programs are ineligible as they are funded under IQPS.  

Why are Agriculture programs ineligible for PQI Incentive or Establishment grants?  

In FY 2015, legislation was passed to create the Idaho Quality Program Standards (IQPS) for Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources (AFNR) programs. This initiative provides grant monies to start AFNR programs each year. PQI Establishment Grants offer similar opportunities for the remaining CTE program areas.  

Who is eligible for Workforce Readiness Incentive Grants?  

Eligibility for the Workforce Readiness Incentive Grant is determined by the number of CTE concentrators in approved pathways who passed the WRA and their respective TSA and earned all relevant sub-badges in SkillStack®.

The Idaho Division of Career Technical Education (IDCTE) offers multiple grant opportunities to support, enhance, and reward CTE programs. 


Program Quality Initiative/WRI Grant Quick Sheet

Section 33-1635 – Idaho State Legislature

IDAPA 55 – Division of Career Technical (

Need More Information?

Hailey Goodwin

Hayley Goodwin Grants Oversight Coordinator

Chet Andes

Chet Andes Director of Program Quality


Stephanie Mai
Assistant Director of Program Quality

Janine Hodges

Janine Hodges Program Quality Manager, FFA State Advisor 

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