Program Quality Initiative – Incentive
IDCTE authorizes PQI Incentive Awards for districts in fall each year. *Incentive Awards are invite only Expenditure reports are due no later than March 15.
IDCTE authorizes PQI Incentive Awards for districts in fall each year. *Incentive Awards are invite only Expenditure reports are due no later than March 15.
IDCTE authorizes PQI Technical Assistance Grants for districts in late fall each year. Technical Assistance grants are awarded to districts on a reimbursement basis. The application period is October 1 […]
Program Quality Initiative - Technical Assistance (PQI TA) applications are due 10/31 at 5 PM MST.
PQI Establishment Grant opens on November 1. Invited programs have until November 29 at 5 pm MST to submit their grant application. *More information to be added closer to […]
IDCTE authorizes PQI Establishment Grants for districts in late fall each year. The application period is November 1 - November 30*, 5 pm MST. Awardees will be notified mid December. […]
Diploma seal orders due 5:00pm.