Fire Service Training (FST) Advisory Council
Article I – Name
The name of this group is the Fire Service Training Advisory Council (hereinafter referred to as Council).
Article II – Purpose & Functions
Section 1.
The purpose of the Council is to consult, deliberate and provide advice to the FST Staff regarding fire and hazardous materials training and testing. The Mission of FST is to partner with Idaho Fire Departments, Fire Districts and Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) to provide firefighters with quality training consistent with National Fire Protections Association (NFPA) standards and current National best practices. We also exist to provide verification of requisite knowledge and skills by administration of a nationally recognized third-party verification process.
Section 2.
The functions of the Council are:
a. To make recommendations to the Staff of FST on course content, availability and delivery of FST training and testing and the target audience that needs these items.
b. To inform fire personnel about the services provided by the FST program.
c. To provide feedback and act as a sounding board for FST regarding the methods and focus of the operation.
Article III – Members
Section 1. Representation:
Members of the Advisory Council are appointed by the Program Director of FST. Districts shall be aligned with the Idaho Post-Secondary Region Map. Members appointed shall include one representative from each of the following: (* indicates voting member)
*District 1 State Fire Marshal’s Office
*District 2 EMS Bureau
*District 3 Idaho Office of Emergency Management
*District 4 Idaho State Police
*District 5 Idaho Department of Lands
*District 6 Representative from Idaho Colleges
*Idaho Fire Chief’s Association
*Professional Fire Fighters of Idaho
*Industrial Fire Departments
Section 2. Appointing Authority:
a. All members of the FST Advisory Council shall be appointed by the FST Program Director.
b. All voting members shall appoint one (1) designated alternate, with all the same authority to comment and vote in their absence.
Section 3. Terms of Appointment for voting membership:
a. Appointments shall be made initially at this set up by five (5) members serving a one (1) year term, five (5) members serving a two (2) year term and the last five (5) members serving a three (3) year term.
b. After that all appointments will be for a three (3) year term so there will be a rotating membership.
c. Voting members may serve two (2) terms, for total of six (6) years.
d. A voting member having served two (2) consecutive terms may be eligible to serve again in the same region &/or position after a one (1) term break in service.
e. Members who move regions &/or positions are eligible to serve in a new region &/or position without a break in service.
Section 4. Vacancies:
In the event that a member is not able to complete a full term of appointment, FST shall appointment a replacement for the remaining time left for that term of appointment.
Section 5. Attendance:
Failure of a voting member, or their designated alternate to attend two consecutive meetings may be determined by the appointing authority as constituting a vacancy and a new member may be appointed as identified under Section 4 of this article.
Section 6. Conduct:
In the event that members display conduct that is not conducive to the Mission of FST, that person may be removed from the Council. This would create a vacancy and would allow an appointment of a new member as stated Section 5.
Article IV – Meetings
Section 1. Regular meetings:
The FST Advisory Council will meet monthly. Written or electronic notification of regular Council meetings shall be sent to all members two weeks prior to each meeting.
Section 2. Special Meetings:
These meetings may be called at any time with the consent of the appointing authority and the Chair. Notice must be given to all members and alternates prior to the date of the meeting either by mail, fax, electronic notice or telephone call.
Section 3. Agenda:
a. The Chair, in cooperation with the FST Staff, shall prepare and distribute an agenda to all members prior to the regularly scheduled meeting.
b. Any member may place items on the agenda by notifying the Chair at least five (5) days prior to the meeting.
c. Without the five-day notice, any member may place an item on the agenda by a majority vote of the Council members present during a regular meeting. Failing a majority vote, the item will be held over until the next regular meeting.
Article V – Officers & Duties
Section 1. Officers:
The officers shall consist of the Chair and Vice-Chair.
Section 2. Chair:
The Chair of the Council shall be selected from voting members. The Chair shall be elected by a simple majority vote of the voting membership. The duties of the chair include but are not limited to:
a. Coordinate with FST to establish meeting dates and calling the Council together when appropriate.
b. Presiding at all Regular and Special Meetings.
c. Coordinate with FST to prepare meeting agenda
d. Appointing, as needed, standing, special and Ad Hoc committees and making subcommittee assignments.
Section 3. Vice Chair:
The Vice Chair shall be selected from voting members. The Chair shall be elected by a simple majority vote of the voting membership. The duties of the Vice-Chair shall be to serve as chair in his/her absence and to perform other duties assigned by the Chair.
Section 4. Secretary:
The secretary of the Council shall be an FST staff member. Responsibilities include:
a. Distributing agenda, supporting information and materials to members. Agendas are to be distributed two weeks prior to the meeting.
b. Recording, publishing and distributing minutes of regular and special meetings to members.
c. Attending all meetings and providing information and expertise needed for the Council to adequately conduct business.
Article VI – Quorum
Section 1. Quorum:
A quorum of the Council shall consist of a majority of the members. A majority requires fifty percent (50%) + one (1) of the voting members.
Section 2. Alternates:
Only the designated alternate may represent the voting member at meetings.
Section 3. Voting:
A question shall be carried by a majority vote of a quorum. Each member designated as a voting member is entitled to one vote.
Article VII – Rules
Section 1.
The conduct of all meetings shall be professional so as not to conflict with these Bylaws.
Article VIII – Amendments
Section 1.
These Bylaws may be changed or repealed by the consent of this Council after approval by the FST Program Director.

Need more information

Brad Terry
Program Director

Travis Myklebust Regional Support Specialist in Regions 1 and 2

Cindy Oostra Fire Service Testing Coordinator

Sandi Wiensz Fire Service Training Coordinator

Breanna Gibson Technical Records Specialist II