The Program Quality Initiative (PQI) Incentive Awards, established by Idaho Code 33-1635, provide additional funding for high-performing, approved secondary pathway programs in Business and Marketing, Engineering and Technology, Family and Consumer Sciences, Health Professions, and Trades and Industry. Refer to the FAQ section in regards to Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources and Career Technical Centers (CTCs) being ineligible for PQI Incentive. Eligibility is contingent upon the percentage of students completing and passing the Technical Skills Assessment (TSA) and Workplace Readiness Assessment (WRA). Funds must be used for specific purposes such as instructional materials, equipment, professional development, and services related to the eligible CTE program pathway, with recipient Local Education Agency (LEA)s required to submit expenditure reports. Please refer to the Allowable Uses of Added-Cost Funds document on the Educator Portal. Awards are authorized in the fall, and expenditure reports are due by March 15.
The PQI Technical Assistance Grants, established by Idaho Code 33-1635, are designed to help eligible school LEAs and program pathways implement strategies to enhance standards and improve program quality. Eligibility is determined by prior year WRA pass rates for LEAs and TSA pass rates for program pathways. LEA applications should target strategies to boost student achievement of Idaho Workplace Skills for Career Readiness Standards across all CTE programs. In contrast, pathway applications should focus on improving the achievement of specific pathway standards. Grant funds may be used for instructional materials, equipment, and professional development expenses. However, funds cannot be used for salaries, CTSO expenses, construction, or other unapproved costs. Technical Assistance Grants are reimbursed to LEAs, with reimbursement requests due by March 15 and subject to approval by IDCTE.
The PQI Establishment Grants, established by Idaho Code 33-1635, help school LEAs acquire equipment for newly approved programs in Business and Marketing, Engineering and Technology, Family and Consumer Sciences, Health Professions, and Trades and Industry. Programs that receive funding as part of career technical centers (CTCs) are ineligible. Only eligible programs receive invitations to apply for grant funding, which must be used solely for acquiring IDCTE-approved industry-standard equipment. LEAs must submit grant reimbursement requests by March 15.
The Workforce Readiness Incentive (WRI), established by Idaho Code 33-1635, is designed to acknowledge quality secondary CTE programs; programs funded as part of CTCs are ineligible. WRI funds are allocated to LEAs based on the number of CTE concentrators meeting specific criteria, including passing the TSA and WRA and earning relevant sub-badges in SkillStack® by April 30 each year. Eligible programs must offer the TSA. Funds can be used to retain CTE teachers, acquire industry-standard equipment, and provide student workforce experiences. LEAs must distribute funds to qualifying pathway programs and submit expenditure reports by June 30, with unspent funds returned to IDCTE.
The Idaho Division of Career Technical Education (IDCTE) offers multiple grant opportunities to support, enhance, and reward CTE programs.
Program Quality Initiative/WRI Grant Quick Sheet
Section 33-1635 – Idaho State Legislature
IDAPA 55 – Division of Career Technical (
Need More Information?

Hayley Goodwin Grants Oversight Coordinator

Chet Andes Assistant Director

Adrian San Miguel
Chief Program Officer

Janine Hodges Program Quality Manager, FFA State Advisor